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Jackets For Transfer & Impression Cylinder

类别: Miscellaneous
制造商: Heidelberg
型号: Heidelberg parts
年: 2023
位置: Netherlands


These steel jackets are topped with a Liquefied Metal Coating (LMCTM) on a ceramic base for optimum ink repellency and durability.
A complete range of steel substrate thicknesses is available to meet the requirements and specifications of almost every perfecting press make and model. Jacket fixtures and fittings also vary for the perfect fit onto the cylinder.
LMC Jackets are guaranteed for +36 million impressions or 18 months, showcasing their outstanding durability. This is supported by a high resistance to solvents and heat.
LMC jackets are also easily cleaned manually or autom1733FBB6F1 DEE0717733D9BE12190540atically with commercially available washing agents.
4,000+ LMC Jackets successfully installed worldwide since 2012



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